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Monday, January 01, 2007

Conspiracy Consensus: The Truth About the Invasion of Iraq

Previously in this blog I revealed that the MLB had pushed for what would become the Iraq debacle. However, new information has informed me that this is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, Bush's decision to invade Iraq can only be understood in terms of a power struggle occurring within the Whitehouse.

As has been widely reported, key members of the Bush administration began pushing for invasion of Iraq even before he took office. Calling themselves "The Ducklings" (pictured right), this group was instrumental in
pushing for action against Saddam.

It is not widely known, however, that these "Ducklings" were all agents of the MLB. In an effort to lobby the international olympic committee to reinstate baseball into the Summer olympics, the MLB hoped that by toppling the oppressive regime of Saddam (which was forbidden from participation in the celebrated games), Iraq would be able to push for the inclusion of the sport. As many know, Iraq is one of the few Middle Eastern Countries where baseball is popular. Ironically, even Saddam Hussein was an avid fan.

Shortly after 9/11, many of "The Ducklings," including Paul Duckowitz and Richard Armiduck, had an organizational meeting with the MLB lobbyist Joseph Catsopher (pictured right). According to my sources, it was at this meeting, that "The Ducklings" and the MLB decided to orchestrate the invasion of Iraq.

To accomplish this, "The Ducklings" had to first outmaneuver the chief critics of the invasion. This group, mostly located in the State Department, calling itself "The Eagles," and headed by Colin Poweagle, stressed caution and patience. Yet through political indealing and close connections with the Department of Defense, "The Ducklings" were able to get the president's ear. Bush soon would ask for the resignation of most of "The Eagles" (pictured left).

Look through the looking glass here people. "The Ducklings" have hijacked our political system and gotten us into a terrible war. We must rise up and and demand accountability. Bush's replacement of Donald Rummsfeld (pictured right) is only a stalling tactic. The real blame must be placed where it really belongs: baseball.


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12:19 PM  

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