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Location: Antarctica

AKA: Rassputin, Hamilkar, Tecumsehh

Monday, October 02, 2006

Well, it's practically Tuesday, which means it's practically time for:

The Greatest Mailcall Ever Contrived #2:

Tommy L. Jones from Trenton, Missouri writes,
"Something has been puzzling me for some time and I hope you could shed some light on it. Why is it that people are so crazy about Pandas, but they don't care about other animals that are even in more danger of becoming extinct?"
I hate to say it, but there's a pretty obvious answer. Panda's have enormous military potential. If we could harness the power of the Panda, then this Iraq war would already be over. I hate to say it, but we are a violent society and panda's just happen to fit into our plans of more destruction.

Juliet Morrison from Topeka, California writes,
"What do you prefer? Halibut or Cockney Accents?"


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