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AKA: Rassputin, Hamilkar, Tecumsehh

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

More Of- Less of #4

More Of: Stewart/Colbert '08
Wouldn't this be great. Now I'm not saying they would be good presidents, I'm just saying the election campaign would be hilarious. Imagine the news conferences, debates, convention speeches. The saddest part would be that they probably have more knowledge, experience, and intelligence than our current president when he took office. They may be goofy, but they wouldn't be caught doing this kind of crap. In all honesty, I'd probably prefer them to most of the candidates who are going to try to get the Democratic nomination (Hillary, Edwards, Biden.) What a sad state of affairs.

Less Of: Jokes that include Paris Hilton, Clay Aiken, the gay guy from N-SYNC, etc.

If you watch late night or any other daily comedy/ weekly comedy show you'll probably notice a lot of stupid jokes with one of the above as the object of comedy. You'll also probably notice that these jokes aren't really funny. The reason they're not funny is that comedy writers seem to have a set of fallback jokes that they just apply to whomever fits the model. For example, they have a set of jokes about sluts. When I first started watching late night, these jokes used Madonna. Later they would use Jennifer Lopez. Now they use Paris Hilton. Same thing with the gay jokes. Now its Clay Aiken, but before it was Richard Simmons, Elton John, etc. There's also a bunch for fat celebrities, stupid celebreties (now alternates between Jessica Simpson and George W.), and skinny celebrities (Calista Flockhart, Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan). The first problem with these jokes is that they are so cookie-cutter that they rarely have anything to do with their subject matter. The jokes about Britney Spears being trailer trash in particular fit this mold. Conan especially seems to be trying to fit her into the "hillbilly" type jokes, but really it's a huge stretch. His jokes about her being a poor mother are usually better because they actually apply to her. The second problem is that they are about celebrities. Jokes about celebreties are categorically not funny. There are of course a few exceptions, but usually they're not funny because nobody really cares about celebreties. I don't really care about the life of an actor/actress on a movie I watch or the singer of a song I probably despise. It's a little bit like insulting old historical figures (for example, about Napoleon's wife being his least impenetrable line of defense)...they're sort of funny, but they have no bearing on your life. In the case of celebrities they are even less important.


Blogger Robert said...

Now if only someone were to explore the possibility of Jon Stewart running for office. Maybe perhaps in the form of a major motion picture. I hear that Robin Williams is free.

4:34 PM  

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