AKA: Rassputin, Hamilkar, Tecumsehh
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posted by Machiavelli | 10:02 PM
This was much better. So when does it come out? I hope its not the same day as 300, because I don't think I can choose between the two.
For some reason, I seriously can't watch this. Can you watch it from home? Cuz my computer just says loading for about 5 minutes and then it says "play again?"
Interesting trailer. The part with death reminds me of those old silent movies.
I actually got it to work, despite your best efforts Julie-Louise Dreyfuss!
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This was much better. So when does it come out? I hope its not the same day as 300, because I don't think I can choose between the two.
For some reason, I seriously can't watch this. Can you watch it from home? Cuz my computer just says loading for about 5 minutes and then it says "play again?"
Interesting trailer. The part with death reminds me of those old silent movies.
I actually got it to work, despite your best efforts Julie-Louise Dreyfuss!
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