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AKA: Rassputin, Hamilkar, Tecumsehh

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Quotes with Dr. K

This week was a little sparse because we had a test. There was one particular moment, though:

K: "All you future teachers...see you have to have a special something to keep your students know to keep them coming. See, they all come back for this (starts movement, than stops) maybe I shouldn' guys don't deserve it."

Student (a girl who had him last semester): "No, you have to do it."

K: "I have to do it...well alright...see, I told you guys that's what gets them coming...if you want to make your students interested you gotta have this (proceeds to rip apart his buttoned shirt revealing a black undershirt that says Hard Rock Cafe) works works every time."

While I'm at it...there was one more:

K: "Often geniuses are little crazy, you know. Like Einstein, you all think of him as this great guy, but he was weird, man. Let's just say he really liked lizards."

Student: "wait, wait...what did he do?"

K: "Now you're going to go into your other classes and say 'K said that Einstein did weird stuff with lizards.' you guys believe everything I say?"


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