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Location: Antarctica

AKA: Rassputin, Hamilkar, Tecumsehh

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Oh man! This one makes me so angry. This is why I hate Superman: he's constantly forgetting his powers! How many fights have I watched with Superman where he's getting beat up for 5 minutes and then he just uses his eye lasers and cuts the guy in half? WHY DIDN'T HE JUST DO THAT IN THE BEGINNING? Maybe he forgets his powers because they make no sense. I have yet to hear a clear explanation for why Superman can fly. I said fly (which he does regularly) not jump really high. Then there's the issue of how he got his powers in the first place (his sun was red and ours is And whenever someone comes at him with Krypton, why doesn't he just blow it away with his cold breath or run away with his supersonic speed? It just makes no sense.

This is a perfect example: instead of using his supersonic speed to grab everyone and use his flight and super strength to carry them across the trench he uses his powers to...make a human bridge?...? Screw all that, why didn't he just blow out the fire? I don't care how good the man of steel is as a bridge, it's much more dangerous to have people walk across his narrow back than the countless other things that would have saved those people with much less effort from him and them.


Blogger LeonhardEuler said...

Ok, I had no idea what super man was actually doing until you spelled it out. WHAT THE CRAP!? who comes up with this garbage?????

1:16 AM  

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